Angular library starter
Starter Projekt zum Erstellen von Angular Bibliotheken. Voll automatisiertes release Setup, Testing, Linting, Contribution Guidelines, Prettier, Husky und mehr.
Official documentation
Angular library starter
Build epic Angular libraries in no time! Stop loosing time over the library setup and focus on the library logic!
What's included
The library starter contains state of the art technologies and best practices when it comes to delivering Angular libraries. Here are some of the included core features.
- Library setup
- Showcase setup
- Lint setup
- Testing Setup
- Test Coverage reporting
- Commit linting (Conventional commits enforcement)
- Fully automated releases to NPM based on commit messages
- Automatic showcase deployments to GitHub Pages
- Automated contributors credit
- Code of conduct
- Automated Changelog generation
- Automated version bump in GitHub
- Automated creation of Tags in GitHub
- Automated creation of releases with release notes in GitHub
- Code preview in the showcase
Which technologies are included
- Angular (15)
- Jest
- Esllint
- Husky
- Commitlint
- Lint staged
- Semantic release
- ngx-highlight
- Tailwind (for the showcase)
How to use this starter
Use the template
To use this starter you have to click on the Use Template
. Once you have the template, clone it, and run the following commands.
npm ci
Once you cloned the template you can run the fllowing command to customise it.
npm run customize
Showcase deployment
This starter uses a Github action to automatically deploy your showcase to GitHub pages. If this doesn't work out of the box you probably have to enable deployments under the settings of your repository.
To enable deployments go to the settings of your repository and navigate to the Pages
section and choose the gh-pages
branch as source.
Note that this branch will be created automatically once you push your code to the repository.
Use fully automated releases
In order to make fully automated releases work you have to add two tokens as repository secrets.
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Kevin Kreuzer 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
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